Today, I published Lookie Cookie on the WordPress repository. You can now download it at
This plugin is a minimal solution to support the EU Cookie Law which is part of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). The plugin requests consent from the visitor to allow the collection of cookies on the site.
It is suited for niches where the site is just collecting anonymous analytics data - such as Google Analytics, and where some customer data is explicitly collected when visitors leave comments and submit contact forms.
The site should include a Cookie Policy page which indicates what cookies are collected and what they are being used for.
If you are allowing comments on the website then the site's privacy statement page should include your policy on how you handle the names and email addresses of those making comments.
If you are have a contact form on the website then the site's privacy statement page should include your policy on how you handle the names and email addresses supplied when the contact form is submitted.
The plugin presents a popover with a request for consent to cookie.
The visitor can click a button to give consent or click a link to find out more about cookies. The link will normally be to the Cookie Policy page the site. If consent is given a cookie is dropped indicating the consent and hence the popover is no longer shown on subsequent visits to any page on the website.
If the person clears the cookies on their browser then consent will again be sought.
If consent has not been given then the popover will appear on every page.
Note that the button is for consent and the link is to find out more about cookies so the visitor can make an informed decision.
The plugin allows you to configure the following:
So, if you want a simple solution for obtaining cookie consent then please check out the Lookie Cookie WordPress plugin.